Workshop Leader

Aviva Apel – Rosenthal /Israel/
Founder and artistic director of Play-Life PBT Israel, since 1991.
CPT Teacher and Accredited Trainer. (Leadership and advance skills)
IPTN President (2005-2011)
Teaching PB around the world since 1995.
Theater Actress and Director.  Group facilitator (Integrative Arts Therapy).
BA – Theater.
MA – Women Studies. 

Shosha Kestenberg Rosen /Israel/
Theater actress, Drama therapist, Play-Life PBT team member, actress and conductor since 1994.
Teaching PB in education, therapy and artistic context since 2007.

Workshop Description

Within the process of assimilating and germinating the roots of change, there are both challenge and opportunity and new artistic and dramatic possibilities, more layers of mirroring and reflections.


In this workshop we shall explore, share and expend our old and new skills of performing artistically the Heart of the Story.