[ March 11, 2020 by EPTG 2020 0 Comments ]



Chetna Mehrotra, India


I am an Applied Theater Practitioner, a Drama Based Learning facilitator, a TO (Theater of Oppressed) practitioner, and a Playback Theatre practitioner. I have a vision to take these forms of art based facilitation to workspaces, open learning spaces, classes and training rooms, thereby creating a culture of expression, acceptance and love between people.



“Playback Theatre with Children”


The workshop will explore the processes we share and co-create with children in the Playback Theatre space. We would also be sharing our journey and work with the Youth Playbackers of India.


We cherish our ROOTS because they make us feel grounded, connected to our history and ancestors, to our cultural traditions and collective wisdom, to our land and place of belonging. We desire our WINGS to be big and wide open because they nourish our sense of freedom, our inner search for exploration, adventure and movement.
In Socials: