Ann-Sofie Wensbo

I am Ann-Sofie Wensbo, I am a Playback Theatre Musician, Singer/Songwriter, Producer and Music Teacher from Sweden, with a passion for musical communication and co-creation in Playback Theatre. I have been working professionally with Playback Theatre in Teater X since 2006.
”Simple tools for navigating Sonic Landscapes and Musical Collaboration”
A workshop relevant for both actors and musicians, exploring tools for an innovative Playback musicianshipthrough theory and practice:
- What does it take to become a skilled Playback Musician and “Soundscaper” regardless if you have any formal musical training? What abilities and qualities are needed/helpful and how do you train them?
- What digital (and acoustic) tools are available that can be used in a Playback setting to create poetic, musical and emotional framings?
- How can we use the power of ritual as a framework for musical cooperation between actors and musician(s), eg in the form of singing?
The workshop will be facilitated by Ann-Sofie Wensbo, musician of Teater X (Sweden), together with her colleagues Jan Platander and Linda Tervo from Teater X.