[ March 11, 2020 by EPTG 2020 0 Comments ]

Ann-Sofie Wensbo


I am Ann-Sofie Wensbo, I am a Playback Theatre Musician, Singer/Songwriter, Producer and Music Teacher from Sweden, with a passion for musical communication and co-creation in Playback Theatre. I have been working professionally with Playback Theatre in Teater X since 2006.



”Simple tools for navigating Sonic Landscapes and Musical Collaboration”

A workshop relevant for both actors and musicians, exploring tools for an innovative Playback musicianshipthrough theory and practice:


  • What does it take to become a skilled Playback Musician and “Soundscaper” regardless if you have any formal musical training? What abilities and qualities are needed/helpful and how do you train them?
  • What digital (and acoustic) tools are available that can be used in a Playback setting to create poetic, musical and emotional framings?
  • How can we use the power of ritual as a framework for musical cooperation between actors and musician(s), eg in the form of singing?

The workshop will be facilitated by Ann-Sofie Wensbo, musician of Teater X (Sweden), together with her colleagues Jan Platander and Linda Tervo from Teater X.

We cherish our ROOTS because they make us feel grounded, connected to our history and ancestors, to our cultural traditions and collective wisdom, to our land and place of belonging. We desire our WINGS to be big and wide open because they nourish our sense of freedom, our inner search for exploration, adventure and movement.
In Socials: